Famille mary
Address and contact
Honey & Bee's passion since 1921...
Beekeeper since 1921, Famille Mary owns 1300 hives. This family's story, unusual one, is born from Jean Mary's passion for the world of bees. Expert in beekeeping, he was directly selling his honey on traditional markets at La Baule (Atlantic seaside of France - South of Brittany) in 1936.
Settled in a 16th century old water mill : "Beau Rivage", in Anjou (South of Brittany), Famille Mary shares its familial passion for honey and others beehive treasures, passed from father to son for 3 generations.
Famille Mary's mission is to reveal bee's treasures : Honey, Royal Jelly, Propolis & Bee Pollen... Harvested in preserved territories, which abounds in our beautiful countries.
For 90 years, Famille Mary contributes to life balance thanks to beehive products, respecting the planet.
- toning body scrub
- organic body lotion
- organic honey shampoo
- flower nectar cream
- dry body oil
- eye contour
- shower gel with acacia honey
- refreshing lotion
- hands cream
- liquid soap with honey and propolis
- arnica and honey gel
The activities of the member
- Retail chain