Address and contact

52 lieu dit Trémorel
56130 Férel



Ephyla Concept is a non-profit organization under the 1901 law, established in Férel, Morbihan, France, founded in 1999 by Mr. Bourgeteau, a passionate biologist and cosmetologist. For more than two decades, Ephyla Concept has dedicated itself to the valorization of natural substances, with particular attention to the resources of the intertropical zone, for their application in the field of natural and organic cosmetics.

Social Pole

Ephyla Concept engages in a deeply rooted social aspect, respecting the Nagoya Protocol and CITES, supporting local communities in Africa, Polynesia, Amazonia, and France. The association works towards the creation of social cosmetic entities, thus promoting the financial autonomy of local populations. It also contributes to education, notably in Burkina Faso and Senegal, through donations of food and school scholarships, while ensuring gender equity.

Economic Pole

Economically, Ephyla Concept innovates by developing genuine bioactive plant extracts for natural and healthy cosmetics. The association stands out for its ability to design and validate manufacturing processes and formulas inspired by nature, thus ensuring better bioavailability and compatibility of cosmetic actives with the skin and the environment. Ephyla Concept commits to limiting the use of petrochemical ingredients, irritating alcohol, and animal fats, while providing services for the management and monitoring of regulatory files and cosmetic regulatory monitoring.

Our Ethics

The ethics of Ephyla Concept are based on creating effective cosmetic products that are healthy for humans and the environment, and respectful of living beings. The association positions itself as a key partner for young entrepreneurs eager to enter the cosmetics sector, breaking traditional barriers and making access to the creation of cosmetic ranges more accessible. Ephyla Concept offers tailored support, giving its clients the freedom to choose between a complete service or à la carte options, according to their budget and needs.


Ephyla Concept embodies the perfect union between social commitment and economic innovation, promoting the use of natural substances in cosmetic products. Thanks to its commitment to innovation, sustainability, and social impact, Ephyla Concept significantly contributes to the cosmetic industry and the communities it collaborates with, while respecting and transmitting know-how for a sustainable and responsible economy.